Last Friday, iQOO announced its India-exclusive Z7 5G smartphone with the Dimensity 920 chipset and 44W charging. Now, iQOO India and Amazon have the phone on open sale. The phone is available in Norway Blue and Pacific Night colors. The 6/128GB model is listed for INR 18,999 while the 8/128GB model is going for INR 19,999.
ICICI/HDFC CC&DC Full Swipe and CC EMI transactions are eligible for an INR 1,500 instant discount. The vivo E-Store is offering a free voucher worth INR1,000. Buyers are also eligible for a no-cost EMI up to 3 months.
its rumored to be U notch shape. which is a love or hate relationship for me, it looks elegant compared to v notch.
But the Chinese version was much superior,Snapdragon 782,stereo speakers,120 watt charging with 5000 mah battery,but used a cheap LCD screen tho
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