Last month, a media report claimed Xiaomi would launch a 120W charging phone in India before the year-end. Well, that report has turned out to be slightly off the mark since Xiaomi today announced it will introduce the Xiaomi 11i Series in India on January 6, 2022, with the Xiaomi 11i Hypercharge supporting 120W charging, making it not only India's fastest but also the first 100W+ charging phone.
Xiaomi calls its 120W charging technology HyperCharge tech and claims it will fill the smartphone's battery from flat to 100% in just 15 minutes.
Xiaomi hasn't revealed how many smartphones it will announce in India next month, but the poster it shared shows us the lineup's color options while also confirming the presence of centered punch-hole displays.
The phone maker has promised to reveal more details about the Xiaomi 11i Series starting tomorrow, but Indian e-commerce giant Flipkart already went a step ahead as it confirmed the smartphones will pack 120Hz displays and have MediaTek's flagship chip at the helm.
Flipkart's promo page also includes the smartphone's images, but those are blurred, so there's not much to glean from them.
Flipkart's promo page for Xiaomi 11i Series
While we await more details about the new smartphones from Xiaomi, previous rumors claimed the Redmi Note 11 Pro+ will launch as Xiaomi 11i Hypercharge in India. Hopefully, we'll have more clarity as Xiaomi and Flipkart begin dropping teasers in the coming days to build hype around the Xiaomi 11i Series in India.
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