Vivo has launched the V11 Pro in India, the company's latest mid-range smartphone, following yesterday's official unveiling. The phone is priced at INR 25,990 ($360) and will be up for pre-order starting today. Actual sales will begin on September 12 with the phone available at all major retailers.
The vivo V11 Pro in Dazzling Gold and Starry Black
The V11 Pro, also known as V11, is a mid-range smartphone but brings some perks from Vivo's more expensive phones to this segment. For starters, it features the in-display fingerprint sensor, which the Indian market first saw on the flagship vivo X21 UD when it arrived back in May. The V11 Pro also has the new water drop notch design that is far less intrusive.
Apart from that, the V11 Pro has a 6.41-inch FHD+ display, Snapdragon 660 processor, 6GB RAM, and 64 GB storage. On the back is a dual 12 MP + 5 MP camera and on the front is a single 25 MP shooter. The phone is powered by a 3,400mAh battery and features Vivo's Dual Engine Fast Charging feature at 18W.
The vivo V11 Pro is arriving in Dazzling Gold or Starry Black color, the latter seen in our full review, while the Nebula variant is nowhere to be seen.
Yeap. In low & mid ranger - 1st Xiaomi 2nd Vivo Oppo 3nd huwai 4th noto 5th etc 6-98 etc. 100th
This phone is not worth at all for its price. the video camera at 1080p does not even have OIS or EIS for its price point. also slo mo is available only at 720p.
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