Tecno’s Phantom X finally landed in India after making its global debut last June. The phone brings a 6.7-inch AMOLED with a 90Hz refresh rate, MediaTek’s Helio G95 chipset and a 4,700 mAh battery with 33W charging for a grand total of INR 25,999 ($340) for the 8/256GB trim. Open sales start on May 4 via Amazon India and Tecno is bundling a free Bluetooth speaker and one-time screen replacement as an added bonus.
We already went through the pros and cons of the Phantom X in our detailed review and found it to be a decent midrange option with a capable camera setup, great battery endurance and premium design. You can also check out the video review linked below for a more condensed take.
100% agree. Your rules applies to anyone having some grey matter left on their heads. Not some empty can fanboys.
Indeed bro. Strongly agree with your last paragraph. I've seen Chinese flagships with insanely high spec chipsets, but they're just not polished at software level. Filled with chinese bloatware. Camera app that doesn't take decent phot...
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