Samsung unveiled three new Windows laptops with solid performance and a practical build. The Samsung Notebook 5 comes with a 15.6” 1080p screen and a metal body. The other two are Notebook 3 models – one with a 14” screen and one with 15.6”.
The specs are mostly identical from here on out. The laptops come with a choice between an 8th or 7th generation Intel processors, the higher-end models also come with discrete Nvidia graphics. Full specs are available at the bottom.
These are practical laptops. They have full keyboards with numpads, “ergonomically crafted” key caps and a wide trackpad. The screens have anti-glare panels calibrated with the Samsung Color Engine.
The Samsung Notebook 3 and 5 will be available first in Korea (in April) and will then launch globally (including in Brazil and China) in Q2.
Samsung Notebook 3 14" | Samsung Notebook 3 15.6" | Samsung Notebook 5 15.6" | |
Display | 14" 720p | 15.6" 1080p 15.6" 720p |
15.6" 1080p |
Processor | Intel 8th gen quad-core Intel 7th gen dual core |
Intel 8th gen quad-core Intel 7th gen dual core |
Intel 8th gen quad-core Intel 7th gen dual core |
Graphics | Integrated | Integrated Nvidia MX110 (2 GB) |
Nvidia MX150 (2 GB) |
Storage | SSD + HDD | SSD + HDD | SSD + HDD |
Battery | 43 Wh | 43 Wh | 43 Wh |
Weight | 1.68 kg | 1.97 kg | 1.97 kg |
Thickness | 19.8 mm | 19.9 mm | 19.6 mm |
I don't know what you people are talking about the best Intel chips still beat the best AMD ones by a wide margin in most or all benchmarks, if you want to buy an affordable mid-range laptop or a high-end one because you're on a tight budget or want ...
It seems Samsung lost it's timeless ultrabooks design. Got np900x3e probably 5 years back and it is still cracking ultrabook, these new ones are just outright ugly (including series 7 and 9), sort of reminds me older HP chromebooks.
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