Samsung launched the Galaxy Z Flip6 last week with a big battery and improved cameras. Now Samsung released its new Galaxy Brand Anthem "Open Always Wins," sung by K-pop boy band Tomorrow X Together (also known as TXT).
The artists themselves have also been signed up as Galaxy Ambassadors, and the Z Flip6 can be seen multiple times in the video of the new track.
The music video includes shots of Paris and Los Angeles, the next two cities that will host the Summer Olympics, where the company will be present as a major partner. Athletes from Team Galaxy are also appearing in the video, practicing what they do best – surfing, skateboarding, and breakdancing.
The single is available on YouTube, Spotify, Melon, Genie, Bugs, Flo, and Vibe. There is also a dancing challenge to go along with it, encouraging fans worldwide "to show their support and cheer for their favorite athletes."
I guess it's not a bad thing that they use AI to create this music. It is aimed at a children's audience, so it is as safe, educational and harmless as the songs that play on Sesame Street. In any case, musical creativity must have some lim...
Well, this explains a lot. Because if you tell AI to create music it will do a mix of existing melodies due to the fact that AI is not really an intelligence, it is just an algorythm using existing information to give an answer. Only a human being is...
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