Today Redmi India confirmed the date for the Note 7 launch in the local market - the 48 MP mid-ranger is landing on February 28. It will get its dedicated event in New Delhi and you can register to purchase tickets for it.
The Redmi Note 7 is advertised as a head-turner, meaning it will knock you off your feet with its spectacular camera and price. It even comes with a tacky upside-down hashtag that reads #thuglife with an incorporated digit 7. The Twitter account of the sub-brand will even do a giveaway of one Redmi Note 7 phone if it gathers 4,800 retweets.
The camera is one of the key features, but the device is also a best-seller in China due to its low price, Snapdragon 660 chipset and latest MIUI 10, based on Android Pie.
It was launched for as low as CNY999 and we expect the 3/32 GB variant to be introduced for INR9,999 at the New Delhi event. According to a previous rumor, there will be a bit more powerful option with 4/64 GB memory, but the 6 GB RAM variant is said to remain exclusive to China.
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