The Red Magic 6 Pro (along with its vanilla sibling) became the first phone to launch with a 165 Hz display. It’s powered by a Snapdragon 888 chipset that can be configured with up to 18 GB of RAM and 512 GB storage. Those are soldered to the motherboard, of course, but there are plenty of other components to attach before you get a complete, working phone.
Here’s nubia leader Ni Fei showing the step by step process of assembling a Red Magic 6 Pro.
If you’re curious to see the opposite process, you can watch this disassembly video by Io Technology (note: the link will take you to the Weibo video player). It shows the vanilla Red Magic 6 rather than the Pro, but still.
The two phones have similar internals, except the vanilla model has a larger 5,050 mAh battery with slower charging (if you can call 66W slow), while the Pro model has a smaller 4,500 mAh battery with faster 120W charging. You can also check out this 120W charging test on video.
Tomorrow, the Tencent versions of the Red Magic 6 and 6 Pro will go on sale in China, starting at 10:00 am local time. You can check out the official nubia store and JD if you’re interested.
The US version of the Pro will have the bigger 5050 battery. Yeaaaa....Ordered mine on their web site. 16GB and 256GB....$699. They're $100 more on eBay.
you wont get any gift, as they will be already fully focused on developing a new phone after rm6 release. besides if anything goes wrong with your phone, you will not be able to receive any support because all those chinese companies do not care abou...
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