Qualcomm's Snapdragon 888 runs pretty hot, even wildly so under some circumstances on some phones. The Snapdragon 865/865+/870 family doesn't have this problem, on the other hand. If you were expecting the next generation of Qualcomm's top of the line chipsets to be cooler than the 888, well, you might be in for a surprise.
According to a rumor out of China, the first testing of samples using Samsung's 4nm litography shows a 20% improvement in performance for the upcoming chip, which has the model number SM8450 and may be branded as either Snapdragon 895 or 898... or who knows what else. For the sake of sanity we'll call it 895, but don't take this to mean we know for sure that's what it will end up being named.
While that performance improvement (supposedly compared to either the 888 or the 888+) is obviously a welcome development, there's a flip side to this coin, and that is that the new chip runs hot too. We don't have any more details, unfortunately, and this is early samples testing anyway, so things may improve significantly between now and November/December when the first chips are expected to be shipped to customers.
Peak stupidity. On paper, SD 888 has performance comparable to i5s with TX 1050, which already struggling to run the CP 2077 at 1080p 30fps or heck even 720p 60fps. SD888 running CP2077 in the absolute best case scenario will be the same experience a...
Snapdragon 888 physics score on 3d mark icestorm- 4400 Intel 9600k same test: 79,000 Intel 8600k: 75000 Amd A6 (this is one of the worst processors made in the last 10-15 years): 22,000 You may want to rethink comparing mobile chips to des...
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