Yesterday we heard that Qualcomm is building a Snapdragon 850 chipset for ARM-powered Windows 10 laptops, but it won’t stop there. The company is looking to hire people to work on Snapdragon 1000 chips, which will directly take on Intel’s Core processors.
As with the 850, they will use the larger physical size of laptops to push their TDP higher. A Snapdragon 845 tops out at around 5 W while the CPU of the 1000 chip alone will use 6.5 W. Taking the GPU into account, the final number will be higher.
For comparison, a dual-core (quad thread) Pentium 4410Y is rated at 6 W and runs at 1.5 GHz (note that this includes the Intel GPU). There are various Core m and Y-series chips at similar TDPs that are used in ultrabooks.
You can expect Snapdragon 1000 devices to show up in late 2018 or early 2019. The first might come from Asus and is code named Primus. If all goes to plan, Asus will launch in the autumn.
mr facts let me tell u STH: in general gnu/linux is called linux which seems u are unaware of it!(or maybe you are one of those who are against this sort of naming?) and again i was talking about android userland you got the wrong idea!(can't reca...
Agree.... IF done right. 1) Windows has to fully stabilize and release a full version of Windows on ARM 2) OEM devices are existing (we have a few now but reports say they are unstable) 3) The price is right
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