Qualcomm has officially unveiled its third-gen 5G modem - the Snapdragon X60. It’s the first 5G modem built on a 5nm node and enables up to 7.5 Gbps download and 3Gbps upload speeds, while supporting both mmWave and Sub-6 versions of 5G connectivity. Like the X55 before it, the X60 works on both TDD and FDD networks for truly global 5G support. In addition, it also supports 4G LTE as well as legacy 3G and 2G bands.
The biggest advantage of the new modem is its size. At 5nm, its only the second time we’ve seen a chip maker dip below the 7nm mark. Another new addition is dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS) which will allow carriers to repurpose LTE bands for higher network speeds and accelerate 5G deployment.
Voice over new radio (VoNR) is another new feature which brings standalone high-quality voice service over 5G. The new chip also comes with the updated QTM535 mmWave module which now boasts a smaller footprint allowing for slimmer phone profiles.
The new Qualcomm X60 5G modem is expected to appear on devices starting early 2021.
The predecesor of this was just a maybe 10% weaker. There is likely nothing to see.
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