An upcoming Pantech flagship Android smartphone leaked through an online benchmark database. The handset carrying the name Pantech IM-A830S appeared on the GLBenchmark website and revealed a few of its specs ahead of its official announcement.
As mentioned in the Pantech IM-A830S device info page, the smartphone will pack Snapdragon S4 chipset, featuring a couple of Krait CPU cores. The upcoming Pantech top-dog will be running the latest version of the Android platform - 4.0.3. We also understood that the Pantech IM-A830S will feature an LCD of HD resolution, but we are yet to learn its size.
The IM-A830S is rumored to debut in Asia, with SK Telecom in South Korea likely to become its first home. Global rollout is said to follow after that, but there are no timeframes given just yet.
We'll be on the lookout for more information about this interestingly sounding device in the coming weeks.
once i had a pantech phone it was one of the most interesting and enjoyable phones I have ever had. Hope this will be produced in same manner.
Specs Look Gr8 ! But every co. launches good phones in india very late. Sad :( But i am first :)
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