Following its Geekbench listing from yesterday, OnePlus Ace 3V appeared in another live image. The handset which is expected to launch outside of China as the Nord 4 will sport a familiar-looking punch-hole display with sleek bezels. We can spot the alert slider on the left-hand side while the volume and power buttons are on the opposite side.
OnePlus Ace 3V is due to launch soon as confirmed by OnePlus China President Li Jie. It will be the first phone to launch with Qualcomm’s upcoming Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3 chip and we also know the phone will pack a 5,500 mAh battery with support for 100W wired charging. Ace 3V is also expected to offer an OLED screen with 1.5K (i.e. between 1080p and 1440p) resolution and dual rear cameras stacked vertically in their own ring.
That's a comment that applies to all OEMs sadly enough. With a rectangular slab there isn't much you can do while it's still makes sense and remains practical :-( In another article I posted the whish to see designs again like the N9...
Untill stable play integrity fix is available, custom rom are pretty much unusable in Daily driver
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