HTC has started pushing out a new update to its One A9 smartphone in India. Weighing in at over 1GB and arriving as software version 2.18.707.1, the update brings along Android Nougat (version 7.0). Latest security patch as well as some system enhancements are also included.
@LlabTooFeR @HTC_IN @htc #HTC #Indian #Version #HTCONEA9 got today #Android 7.0 #Nougat update today ❤❤❤
— Nav 💚HTC™ (@neelgaganslg) April 20, 2017
The Taiwanese company took quite a bit of time to roll out the update in India, evident from the fact that Nougat for the One A9 first arrived in the US months back in January this year. European units got the update late last month.
I presume you haven't heard about HTC's 15-day update promise for the A9. Forget 15 days, it has crossed 15 weeks &...
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