The lack of compatibility between Apple’s iMessage and RCS-supporting messaging apps like WhatsApp, Telegram and Google Messages has led to the so-called blue vs green chat bubble divide where non-Apple users are left excluded in group chats with green text bubbles. Nothing is now offering a solution to its users with its new Nothing Chats messaging app.
Developed in partnership Sunbird Messaging, Nothing Chats offers iMessage compatibility including the coveted blue bubble messaging, full support for group chat messaging, live typing indicators, full-resolution media sharing and voice notes. Read receipts, message reactions and replies are listed as coming soon.
Nothing Chats will be available on the Google Play Store from November 17 exclusively for Nothing Phone (2) users. The new messaging platform works by using Sunbird’s patented process which involves creating and validating an Apple ID on an Apple device which users then use to log on to the Nothing Chats app. Nothing Chats then leverages Sunbird’s undisclosed number of Mac mini computers across Europe and North America as a waypoint for sending and receiving iMessage-compatible texts and media.
Nothing Chats sample conversation
Nothing states that all Nothing Chats messages are encrypted so neither Sunbird nor Nothing can access your messages or shared files. Nothing Chats will be exclusive to Nothing Phone (2) users in the US, Canada, UK, and EU at launch.
Ah so you’re a former iPhone user, not a formal iPhone user. Also you say you were once an iPhone user that said…er..’shits’ about Android, and now you have flip flopped and talk cr*p about iOS. So really you’re just a fanboy that’s switched tea...
RCS is cross platform with end to end encryption, Its the apple who is not following the standard
RCS wasn't made by google, they push for it cause the GSM association wants to replace standard sms with RCS and it is thus supported my a large number of phone carriers. It's an open standard and if adopted would work across platforms. It&...
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