Anonymous, 07 Aug 2024It's not as dire as it sounds. Monopolies stifle innovation. Only when the tired giants d... moreThat i agree, but it does not have to do with the present situation, do not get me wrong, i too want for all companies to change their behaviour towards customer, sadly they realised how powerfull Private Data is, they will probably never give up this business strategy. In the same time, as i already said, no state will try to bankrupt Google, their are just to many things in play. And yes, employes can find other jobs at some point, or maybe build their own small empires, but till that happens the state needs to pay the money for the Monts/ years of transitions, well at least in Europe, i do not know how things are done in US. But let's say that google employes are only in the US, as someone implied, what country would try to bring the company down and let 195.000 people without a job, and even so, when will USA allow it? I mean, for me it is pure ignorance to think that this will be possible. This giants have set foot in the state affairs, just by holding hundreds of thosends of employes.
Anonymous, 07 Aug 2024LoL 😂 say that to yourself when it comes to Apple 🙄 One word to people like you who think the... moreSorry, but what has this and my comment to do with apple and who have i labeled?
Anonymous, 07 Aug 2024Actually you also make some ignorant claims yourself.
1. Only US wouldn't want Alphabet ... moreYou seem to imply that google has workers only in the US and that 190.000 + employes are not hundreds of thausends? Well, then, i admit i'm ignorant, what can i say...
Never said google is good, but almost every service is "free", how do you think they can survive if not through taking your data? I mean, that is something that's quite obvious, and they make it even more obvious through their 3 kilometer long icensing agreement. Should we just accept the way it is? Nope. Can we do something about it? Yeah, not using the services or turning to a google free android, i mean, there are means of getting away from groogle, and break the profiling chain.
DeepIn2U, 07 Aug 2024I'll bet for every app or even just one you use is from Play Store. If so and you've... moreI update apps manually, uninstalled google assistent, and pretty much everything google. (like contacts, messages, maps, drive, keyboard, etc.) with ADB. I use macrodroid for automation, Florisboard for input (is still in Beta but is darn good, at basics) Fossify's basic apps for contacts messages, gallery and so on. Fairmail to keep all my mailboxes in one place. So i am quite disconnected from googles Services, of course, not entirely from the installed service itself, but even that one is mostly unused.
DeepIn2U, 07 Aug 2024I'll bet for every app or even just one you use is from Play Store. If so and you've... moreNot always the case. Some can be downloaded directly from the website like Telegram, while some are available on third-party market like F-Droid.
If they don't separate Google Services (Play), they are slapping on the wrist to give it a blind pass.
Carol-, 06 Aug 2024No state in this world, well with some extremist exceptions, would ever be wanting to bankrupt... moreWhat you talking about losing jobs?
Google Search & Translate can be a separate business w it's own management already in place on their own as an entity!
Maps as well. Neither needs to be integrated to work well as they do now.
Android OS can be on its own and this Damned Google Services API would be Gone! Something I'd welcome since Gemini got updated and I made the switch from Bixby to Gemini (which pairs with Google Assistant for most functionality missing). Even after I specific went over every setting in the tutorial and told it to NOT use anything for Email & Cobtacts it went and changed Sync of my contacts to Google! I don't use nor ever had the Google Contacts app installed!! Without it I cannot access synced contacts to delete them. This is BULLSHIT monolopolistic ND privacy breach issue!
AI business can fully operate on its own like OpenAI does with ChatGPT and soon their beta Searchbusienss
Carol-, 06 Aug 2024Acrually, duckduckgo, deepl and here maps are better then google ofernings, and i never used g... moreI'll bet for every app or even just one you use is from Play Store. If so and you've enabled auto update, then you've used Google Services.
Anonymous, 06 Aug 2024Since I started using Bing, I keep getting much more meaningful results than Google. In fact, ... moreI can agree. When I compare search results from Google and Bing for smartphone and laptop reviews, I see more affiliate marketing in Google. I got more meaningful reviews in Bing instead, which is absurd.
Barakat, 06 Aug 2024Lets hope they breakup from alphabet, since that merger and the company became profit oriented... moreAlphabet IS and alwaysHAS BEEN Google! It's just a restructure of executive management and oversight. That's it! There was NO merger.
Now investigate Google with their practice of
A) informing Google Services on AndroidOS partners wanting access Google's application and web services without using Google Services API within Android.
B) Google being BOTH AndroidOS supplier and hardware competitor to all their clients. This is antitrust fully in practice.
Anonymous, 07 Aug 2024Name a better search engine. You can't do it.I said there are alternatives, which is true.
Why you have the need for nitpicking about which one is better is beyond me.
Name a better search engine. You can't do it.
Carol-, 06 Aug 2024No state in this world, well with some extremist exceptions, would ever be wanting to bankrupt... moreActually you also make some ignorant claims yourself.
1. Only US wouldn't want Alphabet to go bankrupt, because It's US company, for the rest of the world It doesn't really matter, there are still alternatives.
And even If It went bankrupt, It wouldn't be such a disaster like you make It out to be even for the US with only $11.922B taxes paid last year. This amount is nothing compared to 1.7T deficit last year.
Btw, US government would at most forcefully separate It into different companies.
2. Alphabet is employing only 179,582 (June 2024), that's clearly not hundreds of thousand of people and they are all over the world. If Walmart went bankrupt It would be a way bigger concern, because they employ 2.1M people worldwide and 1.6M in USA alone and mostly low qualified ones.
BTW, why should we even care when Alphabet also didn't care about the 12,000 people they laid off last year despite having gigantic profits? If those people were capable of getting hired by Alphabet, I seriously don't think they would have a problem finding a new job.
Carol-, 06 Aug 2024No state in this world, well with some extremist exceptions, would ever be wanting to bankrupt... moreIt's not as dire as it sounds. Monopolies stifle innovation. Only when the tired giants decline do we see fresh talent move to startups and good ideas can take hold again.
Carol-, 06 Aug 2024No state in this world, well with some extremist exceptions, would ever be wanting to bankrupt... moreLoL 😂 say that to yourself when it comes to Apple 🙄
One word to people like you who think they are "Saint" in this world by labeling others. That's "Pathetic"
General user don't care about these type of monopolistic behaviour at all.
Ohhh.... Micro$oft got shafted before now it looks like it's groogle's turn to get shafted.
Who still uses Google? They modify search results to get what they want, not what you want.
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