I love how an old musician thinks he's more informed than the medical professionals Rogan is taking to.
It's not like the media or government would lie about vaccines is it?
Why are a bunch of has-been musicians trying to dictate to everyone else what they should and should not be allowed to listen to? How did they become so arrogant to think they should have this power? I think they've overdosed on their own PR. It's fine for them to have an opinion. Its fine for them to make that opinion known. It's not fine to try to shut down speech that they don't agree with. My aversion to their actions has nothing to do with whether their opinion is right or wrong. It has to do with freedom. When you make it impossible to air an opposing opinion, you threaten our core values.
“Niel Young should remember, a southern man don't need him around anyhow”.
Anonymous, 02 Feb 2022That's why those with poor immune systems don't have to vaccinate. The point is to v... moreYou're absolutely wrong. People with poor immune systems are the ones that need to be vaccinated the most because if they are infected, it's likely that they will die.
They need a warning for misinformation, it's not a "covid" specific issue. "Covid-19 advisory" is not it
Luizvr, 01 Feb 2022No, they prevent most cases, yes, but not all. Vaccines strengthen the immune system, but not ... moreThat's why those with poor immune systems don't have to vaccinate. The point is to vaccinate those that CAN be vaccinated and to stop the spread of the disease. If I remember correctly the term for this is herd immunity(?) correct me if I'm wrong.
Anonymous, 01 Feb 2022Hopefully you are not a physician. Vaccination does prevent disease (just look up WHO and CDC ... moreNo, they prevent most cases, yes, but not all. Vaccines strengthen the immune system, but not all of us have the same immune system, which is why some develop the disease, although it is mild. However, others with a poor immune system are at risk of complications or death.
OnesugarorTwo, 01 Feb 2022'deceptive content about healthcare that may cause offline harm and/or pose a direct thre... moreDo you know what deceptive means?
'deceptive content about healthcare that may cause offline harm and/or pose a direct threat to public health', So we should not question big pharma because that's dangerous?
Only trust the experts got it.
Anonymous, 01 Feb 2022All people are different with different healt issues. To get the worst end of the deal when ge... moreSo you're saying the lockdown's should continue and don't vaccinate? The point of the vaccination is introducing a weaker strain of the virus so that you can build resistance to it. We need people to get vaccinated so that lockdown's will lessen.
The purpose of the lockdowns was to stop the spread of the virus and stop it from mutating. While yes the virus was initially weak the problem was that it was very infectious. The more people get infected, the greater the chances that the virus mutates thus developing more dangerous symptoms.
But at this point with the dumbassery people are pulling out their ass to justify to not wearing a mask or just simple vaccination, might as well have all this lockdown and pray you ain't the one that's gonna die.
Anonymous, 01 Feb 2022Kek and you can be right at the same time. Depending on the context. Israel newer study showed... moreDuh, vaccines made for a different variant is less effective against another variant.
Also the point (and what politicians care about) is to not overrun the hospitals. With 9 in 10 people in intensive units being those that were not vaccinated it makes it a non-starter to even discuss the issue.
What a stupid f@ing topic we -as a society- made trending. That's why one should never trust the public, they always care about the stupidest kind of stuff.
Anonymous, 31 Jan 2022Where do you get you information? Data from Israel that are already a year old (almost) show a... moreKek and you can be right at the same time. Depending on the context. Israel newer study showed 39% effectiveness against Delta (look it up) which is below the threshold of effectiveness set by FDA. Even with booster, effectiveness dropped to 45% against Omicron after 10 weeks. It all depends which variant it is, and when you got the vaccine,.
Luizvr, 01 Feb 2022Talking nonsense and misinformation is "freedom" in the United States? There is no d... moreYou just spread misinformation earlier about vaccines that goes against CDC and WHO guides. I don't think you should be censored but corrected. Cause I believe when you spread wrong info, others may have the same idea as you but dare not voice their opinion, so in correcting you , others benefit also. At the end of the day, when it comes to COVID, different countries have different rules. Some don't count asymptomatic covid cases or test everyone with symptoms, some were strict at beginning but have removed most covid rule. All these countries say their regulations are based on science. So who is correct?
Luizvr, 31 Jan 2022It shows that you know nothing about how vaccines work, they have never been to prevent diseas... moreHopefully you are not a physician. Vaccination does prevent disease (just look up WHO and CDC website). Some vaccination have very low efficiency. E.g. BCG. Some have to be taken yearly like flu vaccine cause of different variants. All of these vaccines are to prevent high incidence of diseases among the populace.
Anonymous, 31 Jan 2022If you have a family member who had severe COVID and lungs got so damaged and requires oxygen ... moreAll people are different with different healt issues. To get the worst end of the deal when get sick in it can be in same spot with the common flu. My brother was sick in it and was vaxxed 3 times. I have a lot of friends and family friends who have got sick in it from all ages being young or old while being vaxxed.
Vax dont solve the problem. It maybe only helps you to get trough it less painfully but it also dont guarantee it. Also you still spread the virus when your vaxxed and also the chance to get the virus is higher to get it from people who are vaxxed. Mostly cause vaxed people can travel and get in places where are lots of people while the people who are not vaxed there moving places to play are limited
facts and up-to-date information from scientists, physicians, and health authorities.
Like really ? That vax sponsored facts or feet licking pseudo scientist who make money as a social media face that dont have any science or anything on there name. The very worst part of the physicians possible that you should not believe anything they say for. Same with the authorities who have to say the info that they are told to that is manipulation only.
Anonymous, 01 Feb 2022What people don't understand is that just because it's called free speech that doesn... moreand missinformation is an harmfull speech? since when? magazines/TV/Radio and social networks do it all the time. let people alone and all of this wouldnt happen. if we had free choice to take or not the vax. and freespeech. all of this is irrelevant
Solun1, 01 Feb 2022You're not right, even though I wish you were. Companies that host any kind of content ar... moreYou don't understand what freedom of speech means. It means that governments allow you to express your opinion, and there are exceptions. If you defame people, for example, you may be prosecuted.
Bebochekov, 31 Jan 2022Freedom of speech in the US is broken and needs to be fix. So do you want the freedom of private companies' right to choose what's on their own platform taken away? How very Stalinist of you! lol
cancel culture, 31 Jan 2022This is another example of cancel culture at its finest in the "land of free speech"... moreOut of everybody infected, some show symptoms. Of those, some need treatment. Of those, some need to visit a hospital. Of those, some need to be hospitalized. Of those, some need the ICU. Of those, some need entubation. Of those, some die. Now you say the last portion is too small. I don't care. It isn't only those who die that's the problem and only focusing on that portion is a deception. Everybody from the second step onward is a burden on society and the healthcare system. If they haven't done the bare minimum to protect themselves, then it's their fault and they should be held accountable for it. Those who promote such an attitude also should be held accountable for it.
Skiya, 31 Jan 2022The direction that the world is going is very clear, "money first then will talk about h... moreHow can you declare what Joe Rogan has experienced as misinformation? He had covid, chose to not get the vaccine and listen to scientists that are constantly being shunned for having a different view on alternative remedies?
I'm not an anti-vaxxer by any means but I keep questioning why so many Dr.'s are being hushed and the Pfizer jab is the only thing needed? I also understand that some people plainly don't want to be told what to do.
Some stuff doesn't add up.
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