ErfanMG, 09 Aug 2020Why ES File Explorer should be banned? Lol!ES File Explorer is made by ES Global, a subsidiary of Baidu.
Anonymous, 08 Sep 2020Well, I own 2 Xiaomi phones. One is rooted and a Pixel ROM has been installed, the other isn... moreBro ..can you help me install custom rom
This should have been done long time ago.
Well, I own 2 Xiaomi phones. One is rooted and a Pixel ROM has been installed, the other isn't rooted, but many pre installed apps has been uninstalled with a PC app called ADBFastboot (by Szaki). This is how I got rid of many Xiaomi crapware. For this app, no need to unlock bootloader and root and very simple to use.
I have a Xiaomi, too, and besides having huge bugs, it has a lot of apps that can't be uninstalled. If I knew they forced apps on people, I wouldn't have bought this garbage Xiaomi phone. This is why it's so cheap, it's data theft and bugs ridden software.
All apps that cannot be uninstalled should be banned all around the world, they clearly up to something if they force you to use them, why would they care which apps do you use?
If you try to go to the banned apps' page on the play store, you see 'This app isn't available in your country'
Hilmawan, 01 Jul 2020Not true at all Samsung M and A series phones still not as good as Chinese phones with similar... moreCheck out Galaxy M Series too !
heerosuzuki, 30 Jun 2020Mobile Legends was created by Shanghai Moonton. Weird is, Mobile Legends is also banned in the... morethere a difference from banned and using a different version
natraj, 30 Jun 2020Pubg is owned by bluehole which is a south korean company...yes pc pubg is own by bluhole but mobile pubg is owned and made by tencent so why isn't it banned ?
Hilmawan, 06 Jul 2020Instead of answering questions with clear answers you are spewing nonsense.
With your messe... moreyour pseudo-moralistic tone only made me suspicious, but your overall response confirms the fact that you see this from a political point of view as opposed to i, who sees this from a technological point of view.
my comments till date have only been about US & EU and though this article does involve india, my comments have nothing to do with what india does or doesn't do, nor have i ever stated india in any of my comments.
while it is of no relevance to me, you clearly have some personal agenda against india - however, that is your problem. the only way india could be relevant to me is that i frequent india for business (and currently staying due to covid etc), however, being a Russian Ethnic who grew up in the UK, i fail to see how that is also relevant.
skipping the political part, your point that there will be a monopoly is basically baseless as there is something called licensing of patents, wherein you pay a royalty fee to use the tech researched by another person. patents also have a expiry period post which they can either be extended or made public, depending on certain factors. however, i suspect you are not aware of this based on what it seems your ethnicity might be.
historically, even since before the time of edison, the first to patent always has the direct right to use the technology/process patented. others can only license it. this is basic law. it is well-documented in the public domain and there are several publicly available cases you can go through. unfortunately, the laws were perceived to be too rigid and were later changed to give some leniency, which resulted in being able to circumvent the basic concept of 'first to develop'. up till a few years back, laws also allowed those without a real proof-of-concept product to still get a patent (i.e. frauds could make placeholder patents without actually developing something).
i am am unsure whether i should be surprised that for all your sense of morality, you do not recognise the fact that if person A took the trouble to invent something, person A should get the credit for it and if someone wants to use it, they should pay person A. that is the simple concept of patents.
it is indeed wrong on samsung's part if they had not legally licensed the patent from sony and reverse engineering the technology, modified it and re-patented it. but that doesn't change the fact that you are comparing samsung to an entire country china.
while samsung indeed does have several instances of copying (right from nokia's time to apple's re-emergence), it was also accompanied by a slew of own r&d. their r&d spends are among the highest in the industry. chinese companies as a whole do not spend as much in r&d as samsung does. in short, the only thing you can compare are isolated cases of individual companies vs an entire culture of copying, and that does not compute.
there certainly are cases where decent chinese teams do pay to use patents, but many other cases where they don't. the chinese patent laws themselves are set up in a way to favour local companies more than foreign companies - this is absolutely ridiculous! why should i invest in china if i cannot protect my rights? visually speaking, the entry gate to china is a massive and grandly decorated gate, as large as 'the heavens and the earth' to use the phrase. however, the actual door of entry is akin to a pin hole camera's viewfinder - impossible to just get in.
you even have a scenario today where if a mere game is to be released in china, it has to get the approval of the chinese government first before it is released. check out the apple store issue. and before you jump the wagon, this is different from some other countries where apps just get released freely and are banned at times for various reasons. doesn't even compare.
back to my point, duplication is an integral part of the chinese culture and is not going to change overnight. that doesn't mean we should not recognise it. it would be great for open-source projects IF they actually did contribute to the community but that does not happen often. they usually take more than give. it is also terrible for individual patent holders who cannot fight against the chinese behemoth that runs on US/EU money.
there is also the matter of 'scale of copying' - where one team may copy one or two things, others may copy entire devices. i dare you to check out gearbest/alibaba/others for clones of entire devices by chinese companies and tell me i am wrong!
therefore, kindly don't drag me into your delusional world. my answers are quite clear and have ample support online. this issue has been covered extensively. kindly don't drag me into your delusional world of 'china is good'. the chinese culture of copying (and at times improving) is great for open source, but not in case of hard working private innovators who are investing in themselves - it is their choice and unfortunately, by your logic, we should not respect that.
perhaps you are chinese or closely associated with them, hence your excessively defensive choice of words, saying 'another guy did it' and 'you are jealous' etc. the only reason china is successful today is thanks to nixon's decision to use it as USA's extended factory, and to have a US funded competitor to russia. considering the huge amount of money and other resources poured in, including knowledge resources, and the fact that any blueprints shared for production were distributed to other chinese companies faster than you could say 'patent', it is hardly surprising china has seen this kind of development and apparent growth.
it is very likely that given such an opportunity, any other nation like russia would have grown just as well - though possibly not as explosively, primarily because they do not have this ingrained culture of duplication. a culture where the original is not sacred.
stobs, 05 Jul 2020your moderately sounding comment appears reasonable on the surface but is basically ridiculous... moreInstead of answering questions with clear answers you are spewing nonsense.
With your messed up point of view then there will be no fair competition and only one company or brand will monopolize each type of product, for example Samsung will not be able to make stacked image sensor because if they do that then they will be considered stealing or copying Sony's ideas.
You can easily find patents from Western, Korean or even Japanese companies that are actually the result of copying other people's inventions but you just talking $#!!t about China what a joke.
You're just angry because you can't accept the fact that China is better than India and if the Indian government bans the use of Chinese products then India will be far more disadvantaged.
Hilmawan, 03 Jul 2020Please explain in more detail what is meant by "chinese companies ride on the work of oth... moreyour moderately sounding comment appears reasonable on the surface but is basically ridiculous. do you think others are not aware that their products are being copied? i can't wrap my mind around the fact you wanted me to inform/help those whose work has been copied by the chinese. help how? with psychological counselling? i suppose i should include myself in that regard.
patent laws have had and still have much room for circumvention. anything created by someone after a lot of r&d time & costs is just simply copied, re-patented with a few changes and subsequently mass-produced at cheap rates - cheap because there is no actual r&d involved.
and what's there to explain? this issue is far-reaching and isn't related only to tech, but also simple things like taps, household appliances, light bulb designs, motors, spanners and toolkits etc. and as complex things like cars, aircraft, military goods, and more.
as far as tech is concerned, the outer design, the basic board design and schematics to efficiently house components in the small frame - everything is handed over to them on a platter by innovator companies to manufacture in china, not because technological prowess is higher, but because labour cost is cheaper (perhaps because people of indeterminate age are used).
a lot of the work on the software side too is only duplicated from the community contributions - hence more r&d savings. sure, google enhances android using community contribs too, but it doesn't duplicate an entire custom community rom & repackage it into a 'brand new os', like many of the phones of BBK Electronics & other chinese manufacturers.
development always costs time and money and the lack of r&d is how chinese companies are able to keep their products lower-priced as compared to the koreans, japanese and americans. its also why china likes open source. they get to eat the cake without buying it or cooking it.
half the chinese brands you see out there come under the same umbrella, which makes it appear as though there are multiple chinese innovators out there, when the reality is its just one big manufacturer distributing various misappropriated r&d stuff across various brands.
i've been saying this for years and even the Obama govt recognised this but did not take tough action against it, because MONEY. i'm not saying this from a political point of view - the chinese culture of copying, is not looked down upon, unlike the west. in their culture, the original is not 'sacred'. this is well-recorded in the public domain and you can look it up yourself.
isn't it absolutely delightful how they coincidentally release a new tech when the actual r&d fellows are just about to do that? sure, some of them have actually done a little r&d here and there recently but that's only because they've been able to accumulate cash through pure duplication. just go to gearbest and alibaba and you see a whole ton of samsung lookalikes that are branded locally. heck, many of the earlier chinese phones were basically rip-off of other android's or nokia. there are chinese apples too, which are basically iphone bodies (you'll never know the difference) with utter rubbish hardware, running some junkOS or android with an iOS skin. i've seen one with my own eyes, owned by an employee in a tech company.
i wont completely blame the chinese. check out the bionic wrench. greedy people in the US decided they wanted to circumvent paying royalty costs to their own US citizens and reduce manufacturing overheads by getting it from china instead of getting it locally manufactured. they modified the design a bit, got it patented themselves, sent the stuff to china and now, the market is flooded with generic stuff protected by a fraudulent patent. patent laws have been created with much room for circumvention. anything created by someone after a lot of r&d time & costs is just simply copied, re-patented with a few changes and subsequently mass-produced at cheap rates - cheap because there is no actual r&d involved.
and this isn't just restricted to tech or tools. its even culture. entire european cities have been duplicated by the chinese (just check on the internet) with exact layouts of the cities in some cases, for unclear reasons (maybe to practice for.....??). a really good beethoven concert i saw on youtube a few years back was by a chinese orchestra group, complete with wig & other accoutrements, speaking fantastic german (clear pronunciations). incidentally, learning about artistic works of another culture is the easiest way to understand their mindset. but this is never done for fun.
the chinese love open source - know why? costs them nothing. someone else (or a group of people) did all the hard work with no pay & little recognition, they take it, add a few bells & whistles (its always easier to improve on something than to design something from ground-up) and release it as their patented product.
i'm beginning to wonder whether even gunpowder, paper & silk were only built on something already discovered by some other culture, like the arabs.
this isn't mindless hating or bashing but is anger based on something really real. if you believe i am hating without reason, you have your eyes closed, probably intentionally. who copies entire cities or cultures for fun anyway.
Anonymous, 03 Jul 2020Ooh! You're definitely right. It was Chinese companies who copied other manufacturers... moredoes your sarcastic comment imply a few stray innovations implies the chinese invented everything??
and actually https : / / patents. google .com /patent/US7477315B2/en and https : / / patents. google .com /patent/US20050014527A1/en
as to why nobody incl samsung & apple pushed it out before oppo/others and still have not, who knows.
my hate is against those things the chinese absolutely copy. i will go ahead and openly state that i do admire oppo's attempts to innovate & distinguish themselves via their camera, even though owned by BBK. it reminded me of nokia. perhaps they managed to poach some of nokia tech/employees. also, the fact they are usually priced higher than other chinese junkware suggests they actually do some work in the r&d dept too - but only for the camera segment. end of the day, most of the component design & placement aint their own stuff.
the majority of tech has been 'appropriated' by the chinese when the blueprints from US/EU end up on their manufacturing facilities. any other country like russia would have also developed like china if they had such an opportunity as the chinese had - so much US/EU money pouring into their country, with free access to latest tech.
it took me a long time to realise that and stop appreciating chinese products - and i had to experience it first hand to understand how bad it felt to have one's own work stolen from under their nose. applies to not just tech but something as simple as taps, household appliances, light bulb designs, motors, spanners and toolkits etc. and as complex as cars, aircraft, military goods, and more.
i wont completely blame the chinese. check out the bionic wrench. greedy people in the US decided they wanted to circumvent paying royalty costs to their own US citizens and reduce manufacturing overheads by getting it from china instead of getting it locally manufactured. they modified the design a bit, got it patented themselves, sent the stuff to china and now, the market is flooded with generic stuff protected by a fraudulent patent. patent laws have been created with much room for circumvention. anything created by someone after a lot of r&d time & costs is just simply copied, re-patented with a few changes and subsequently mass-produced at cheap rates - cheap because there is no actual r&d involved.
and this isn't just restricted to tech or tools. its even culture. entire european cities have been duplicated by the chinese (just check on the internet) with exact layouts of the cities in some cases, for unclear reasons (maybe to practice for.....??). a really good beethoven concert i saw on youtube a few years back was by a chinese orchestra group, complete with wig & other accoutrements, speaking fantastic german (clear pronunciations).
the chinese love open source - know why? costs them nothing. someone else (or a group of people) did all the hard work with no pay & little recognition, they take it, add a few bells & whistles (its always easier to improve on something than to design something from ground-up) and release it as their patented product.
i'm beginning to wonder whether even gunpowder, paper & silk were only built on something already discovered by some other culture, like the arabs.
so basically i have 'innovated' and searched for the truth. what about you? do you have access to google to actually search for the truth? kindly go innovate your own hair-do. try not copying at least that.
stobs, 02 Jul 2020but at what cost? the chinese companies ride on the work of other companies by stealing their ... moreOoh! You're definitely right. It was Chinese companies who copied other manufacturers' camera designs and setups. Huawei did not innovate anything in the camera department, nor did xiaomi or oppo.
Actually, Apple was the first one to introduce pop-up cameras, although they haven't implemented it yet, they also were the first ones to have night modes and super slow motion, all other companies, Chinese or not, copied them.
Instead of "copying" some politicians with weird hair, would you kindly "innovate" and search for the truth?
stobs, 02 Jul 2020but at what cost? the chinese companies ride on the work of other companies by stealing their ... morePlease explain in more detail what is meant by "chinese companies ride on the work of other companies by stealing their tech without doing any original r&d!"
Do you consider them stealing when they use components from other companies such as Sony's camera sensors?
Or do you consider them stealing when they implement a feature on their cellphone even though they have paid the patent holder to get the usage rights?
Until now be it Apple, Samsung, Sony or Nokia none of them can make a phones or other electronic products using components and technology that are 100% pure from their own inventions.
If you really can prove they stole technology from anyone you can help the copyright holders to sue the Chinese brands as happened to Apple and Samsung in the past when they were demanded to pay compensation for stealing or using other companies technology.
So please explain in more detail what you really mean so that you don't look like a closed minded hater who can only say things that don't match the facts.
Hilmawan, 30 Jun 2020Forgive me beforehand I know there is currently a conflict between China and India but if we a... morebut at what cost? the chinese companies ride on the work of other companies by stealing their tech without doing any original r&d!
this prevents the companies that actually took all the trouble to innovate from not being able to make money for their operations. eventually, the innovators fail and we are left with second-rate copy-cats who bring more junk out.
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