Can anyone state how the use of stereopathic 5G technology is and how it can collimate beams on a target the size of pin head from far - your phone or you? And what happens if sustained microwaves from multiple towers are throttled for data plan limitations at say 1 mbps upload, while the user can't change the network providers upload speeds and they are a first responder in the middle of a major fire? How does a phone bounce a response back when one small image upload takes 5 minutes? If towers aren't dangerous, what happens when the power grid goes out randomly? Is there a disaster recovery plan to sustain power to all these gee wheez automated cars driving around? say 49,000 towers from Orlando to Jacksonville, for two weeks at least during a hurricane? What would installations look like say from Chicago Illnoise to Montana on i90 - how many towers would that take to drive a semi-truck on a straight line for hours? Has anyone considered all this banter about 5G is because the telecoms will be obsolete, when satellite peer to peer networks will be solar powered, and out of side above and available from anywhere with any internet device available? Has anyone seen the replacement of GPS that becomes obsolete being developed by India and do you know what it is called, what frequencies GPS and weather satilletes use? Does anyone know that 3G, 4G, and now 5G have always been compromised? What would happen if say Walmart uses facial recognition that is 5G and everybody is wearing masks? Just some thoughts on stereopathic Fly control (reference the mapping of the brain waves of fly Cold Spring Harbor). Maybe you guys need to do a little bit more research - those satellites above us, obsolete cellphones.
Article devoid of any numbers. 20 masts attacked, torched or vandalised of which 6 are in Birmingham.
you see what educated european people do?
burn 5G antennas just like ancient civilizations!!
Great that nobody told them human body spreads the disease. It would be hard to cross the street.. Haha
Farhan aka Wolverine, 06 Apr 2020Ancient civilizations had 5G??? We still don't, man we are backward.You should go back to your ancestors town. U will find it there burning.
Anonymous, 07 Apr 2020The adverse effects started after installation of towers near their area. And certain ailment... moreI have no data about such cases happening localy, much less globally, however if they exist then they must be researched. There are many reasons as to why that could happen, finding the root cause is critical (ie., correlation is not causation).
Anonym, 07 Apr 2020"Plenty of ppl living extremely close to cell towers have had all kinds of adverse effects all... moreThe adverse effects started after installation of towers near their area.
And certain ailments like headaches went away after moving to different parts. There is direct correlation pal.
SpiritWolf, 07 Apr 2020Have you ever been educated in geography, my son? Have you ever heard of Brexit my old friend? And how it actually happened when the new PM Boris Johnson was elected a few months ago?
Unless the OP meant that people are dumb solely because of the continent they live in, which is plainly dumb.
AnonD-558092, 06 Apr 2020They're no longer European though...Have you ever been educated in geography, my son?
AnonD-924172, 07 Apr 2020 And low and behold more scientific evidence to prove 5G is ... moreWith all due respect, it should be obvious by now that the burden of proof lies with those making the outlandish claims. The conspiracy theorists MO is always the same, the deny demonstrable evidence, and replace verifiable facts with their own claims (without ever backing them with actual replicable data).
Anonymous, 07 Apr 2020Plenty of ppl living extremely close to cell towers have had all kinds of adverse effects all ... more"Plenty of ppl living extremely close to cell towers have had all kinds of adverse effects all across the globe." -- A lot of people near (fill something very common) have had all kinds of adverse effects around the globe. People near water. People near air. People near food. Like water, air, and food, cell towers are everywhere. *Causality* and *proof* to ones claim does matter.
Anonymous, 07 Apr 2020This is a typical tech community were every one just parrot what ever the other person is sayi... moreYou nailed it. Conspiracy the clue is in the title.its bs and the fruit loops are buying into it. Based on zero intelligence.
Anonymous, 07 Apr 2020Lol guardian links are all part of corporate mainstream media cartel.
Give us links to scient... more
And low and behold more scientific evidence to prove 5G is safe i could go on all day. This is only 1 of the thousands of scientific evidence.
AnonD-924172, 07 Apr 2020the sad fact is people have been saying these lies since first generation mobiles started. the... morePlenty of ppl living extremely close to cell towers have had all kinds of adverse effects all across the globe.
This is slow Poison, not the kind of stuff that will kill you instantly.
Just like processed food is bad compared to organic food.
Most people eating that processed garbage over a period of time have shown worse health problems(problems that our forefathers never had) compared to ppl living on organic diet.
Nobody gets killed right away, it's a slow poison.
AnonD-924172, 07 Apr 2020people need to read this understand it. moreLol guardian links are all part of corporate mainstream media cartel.
Give us links to scientific studies pal.
This is a typical tech community were every one just parrot what ever the other person is saying " ionized shit " oh yes ionized shit " nonionized shit " oh yes non nonionized shit. Until you prove what you are saying don't come and talk shit here. 911 conspiracy,5G conspiracy,moon landing conspiracy,GMO food conspiracy, continue to conspire while they destroy you and tech head
people need to read this understand it.
100% certified actual real info. people can now be educated and not embarrass themselves.
Adul Al Salami Kebab, 07 Apr 2020Ok theory 1: 5G causes viruses to attack humans? Bull viruses is not able to understand 5G the... moreoh wow finally a logical and sensible post. with a massive degree of intelligence I applaud you sir
the sad fact is people have been saying these lies since first generation mobiles started. the question how many have died using a 1G/2G/3G/4G/5G I will tell you NONE. This nonsense will cause is the cost of mobile companies putting up prices due to stupid people burning down transmitters based on zero fact and zero education and zero braincells.
Ok theory 1: 5G causes viruses to attack humans? Bull viruses is not able to understand 5G they have no 5G receiver anyhows!
Ok theory 2: 5G weaken the immune system making us defenseless against 5G? Umm no your bluetooth headphones would be the only device strong enough to harm you in any way... Since 5G does not have enough power to affect cells! (bluetooth is very much proven to be able to microwave bugs to death)
Ok theory 3: Bats sleept in the 5G towers causing the corona virus to mutate to covid-19 and caused the current pandemic? Ok of all these theories this one could maybe be true but there is no effing science to back it up so we can disregard it also. UwU
Anonymous, 07 Apr 2020I was talking about effects of non iodizing radiation over a period of time.
Stop copy pastin... more"Stop copy pasting talking points from mainline science about non ionizing radiation." -- This one line perfectly encompasses the general unawareness as to what science is/how it works. Science is not a discipline of unanimity but rather a hypothesis that is provable through experimentation, which once proven become theories. Often times, scientists have quite diverging opinions about some subjects, but even though they may not agree with the other's view, they do recognize the scientific method and concede to the validity of the results.
Everything you said in that sentence is not science by any means, pseudo-science at best. Nothing is keeping you or any other like-minded individuals from proving everyone else wrong, but you do need to create a hypothesis that is provable *experimentally*. Yours is not; in fact, it was very close to being categorically disproved in quite a few instances. Just because you trick yourself into thinking that time is an insurmountable obstacle, do remember that in medicine, there are always "susceptible individuals" that are more quickly affected to a given factor than the general population. After decades of having radiowaves widely deployed around the world, all data indicates that those "susceptible individuals" are either very elusive or remain unaffected -- therefore, your hypothesis that this is a major concern is BS.
Even the pseudo-scientists that make your "science" know this is BS, as whenever they attempt to create an "article" "proving" those "facts" they always end up comparing the healthiness of living in big cities vs. living in the countryside (i.e., the phenomena they observe already exists independently of the radio waves).
Once again, I know there is very little I can do to convince you (or likeminded individuals) of what is proper science, but maybe someone else will get a little more informed about how science actually works.
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