Fine I will just buy from Mediatek instead! O3O
Anonymous, 03 Sep 2018All these clowns telling nobody can tell difference between a wired headset/headphones to wire... moreThere is a reason why Android also decided to remove the headphone jack, not just Apple (although you can debate Apple was the one who made it a mainstream trend).
Aptx has a solution to the audio sync issues you mentioned, its called Aptx LL(low latency). This codec has been around for many years but strangely it didn't catch on with many OEMs.
I have tested both wired (usb/optical) and wireless (Aptx and Sony's LDAC) from mobile phones and all the premium wireless headphones, to dedicated audiophile desktop bluetooth receiver dac/amplifiers connected to equally ridiculous wired headphones/loudspeakers ranging from $1k to $10k.
Honestly, there is NO difference between wireless and wired in this current day. Wireless codecs like Aptx and LDAC can replace the 3.5mm jack.
The only difference you will hear is how well the bluetooth chip is implemented to the electronics/motherboard of your phone, wireless headphones/receiver (low noise floor, no static/pops/interference and signal drop outs when listening/streaming via bluetooth).
Consider an Android phone & wireless headphones with bluetooth 5.0 supporting Aptx LL or LDAC for your future purchase. It should solve the audio syncing issue and sound quality at the very least. Battery and charging are the main issues/barriers for all mobile/wireless electronics, that I agree.
Phonenerf, 31 Aug 2018nice, but those headphones could be used on a phone that has a headphone jack. Now why should ... moreNice, but you have the usb/jack adapter in the pack, just leave it permanently on the headphones and you have "a phone with a jack". That is how USB-C standard is defined - transfer of just about anything through it. Soooo, headphones go in. Easy.
FinnishInquisition, 02 Sep 2018If you think you are neutral, I have some very bad news for you. The change in battery capa... moreYou miss the point. "The Note 9 has a notably larger volume than the Note 8, and got 20 % more battery out of it. Are you going to tell me 20 % is a lot, but 15 % is minute? Are you going to do that, right after you told me how neutral you are? I hope the humour in the absurdity of your statements doesn't elude you." Yes, Samsung increased battery capacity by just 20% and STILL kept the jack intact(the point which i have been insisting on). Samsung found space for the jack even after providing 20% more battery(4000 mah compared to 2675 mah), bigger screen(0.9" bigger than iPhone 8 plus) and its Wacom digitiser, spen and its slot, IP68 rated water proofing, wireless charging, dual sim and SD card slot and in here, Apple failed to find space for the jack due to only two additional things it did: 15% increase in battery(still 1375 mah less than Note9, that amount translates to half of iPhone 8 plus's battery) and 10% bigger taptic engine!. Here you are, talking as if those two changes occupy more space than what Samsung crammed in Note9! For you, a 2675 mah battery needs more space than a 4000 mah battery and taptic engine needs space occupied by the jack to seat itself. And Note9 is just 1.3mm thicker than iPhone 8 Plus and both weigh at 202 grams. lol. Yes, there is a dongle and there are many wireless options. But the fact is Apple didn't put that space to better use as you are insisting on. They(and other OEMs who ditched the jack) just started singing about wireless for obvious reasons, to earn moolah, because they are here for business not charity. Not that wireless audio quality improved leaps and bounds overnight. Removing jack, Apple earns 160$ for every airpod they sell. And as you proclaim, if they ditch their lightning connector, they have a golden opportunity to earn another 100$ for every wireless charger they sell. So, here it is, next time you buy an iPhone, this will be your bill: 700$(if you choose cheapest iPhone)+160$(airpod)+approx. 100$(wireless charger) for every phone they sell! Which brand wants to lose this much business? Especially, Apple, with all its loyal fans who only think whatever Apple does, is the best? I am not against Apple and not for Samsung. I enjoy both of my phones, every bit. I had only started this discussion to contradict your claim of removal of jack led to better space management in iPhones.
Last December GSMA did a Weekly poll: Do you still use a 3.5mm audio jack?:
69% voted for 'I do, wouldn't buy a phone without one':
This year it may be less, as there are more alternatives.
I like being able to plug my phone into my amplifier using the 3.5mm jack to L&R RCA's, & charge my phone at the same time.
In September 2016 when Apple launched the iPhone 7 without a 3.5mm jack, 46% of their users weren't very happy about it, and said that they wouldn't get the iP 7:
Anonymous, 03 Sep 2018Thats funny, proving who is the clown. We know you cannot tell the difference, if you did you ... moreAnd mr PGq, battery is 20 hours on my small BT headphones, 30+ on the bigger noise cancelling ones. If thats a problem i dont know what would please you, even with a million hours you would still complain. Used them a week before i charged and then its not needed, just dont want to run the battery down too deep. Regular people have no problems with it, neither do you but i understand that you are grasping at straws here, its the only thing you can do.
Anonymous, 03 Sep 2018All these clowns telling nobody can tell difference between a wired headset/headphones to wire... moreThats funny, proving who is the clown. We know you cannot tell the difference, if you did you would be the first. Why are your ability to tell the difference many hundred times better than some of the worlds renowned and experienced audiophiles? All have failed so far, as will you.
I do have wired headphones and high quality flac files but Its just not practical for regular listening, and the difference in sound from BT headphones is just down to preferences, the most unpleasant sound is in the expensive Sony studio headset that is delivering the audio straight up with max clarity and perfectly linear response curve. My BT headset is within 99% of whats audible and can be registered by human ears, i dont carry a cord to get to 99.5%.
Ehh I can't argue with Qualcomm wanting to get rid of the headphone jack on Phones and pushing for the best quality BT.
I also own a high end analog system, DAC, Power Cables, Amplifiers, both Tube an Solid State, and a variety of headphones
Frankly with cell companies leading towards removing the headphone jack it really helps Digital Audio Player Manufacturers capture a larger audience, simply put if you want High quality Wired Audio buy a DAP, if wireless if enough hopefully your cell will handle that
Now some companies are also developing high quality Wireless Dac/Amps that work wtih Wired Headphones with is also a neat idea. Either way I'm in favor of Cell Companies and Manufacturers ditching the 3.5mm Jack, even my own V20 isn't as good as my little Shanling M2S. An if I really want to listen to High quality stuff from my Cell I use a USB Cable sourced Portable Dac Amp
All these clowns telling nobody can tell difference between a wired headset/headphones to wired ones don't even use their phones to its full potential. Have any of you tried watching videos without having audio-video sync issues? I mean, that in itself is a reason to go wired. Imagine watching movies and hearing audio half a second late after you see the actor opens his mouth to speak or an explosion goes off?
Plus battery management is convenience? It is another thing to worry about. Its not like most wireless audio devices have 10+ hours of battery life. With wired audio devices, you NEVER have to charge. And what if I need to charge my phone while wanting to use my wireless device?
I myself think that there is no problem with wireless existing. I can appreciate it during workouts and during my daily commutes to work. But I STILL need wired ones to appreciate my Youtube/movie watching and gaming fix. Who watches and plays games on delayed audio?
In a perfect world, none complain about retaining the 3.5mm jack on phones. I say keep them and let the user decide which way to go. F*ck Apple for forcing mindless sheeps to not think logically.
Anonymous, 03 Sep 2018Advancement in wireless sound is good BUT wireless is still just an OPTION.. The 3.5mm jack in... moreAgree. Especially when you own 300 euros DAC and 500 euros wired headphones
Anonymous, 03 Sep 2018 "WHY would i, a sensible thinking human being, want to scream "this is horrible, i want a big... moreEspecially when you own a DAC and wired headphones that costs 300 and 500 euros.
I'm using BT headphones, but I prefer the ones with enable me for a fallback to use 3.5 jack in case if they run out of power. The conclusion - both BT and the jack are needed
battery wasting era coming .... i want my jack no matter what !!
unless of course there is already mass production of graphite batteries.
Advancement in wireless sound is good BUT wireless is still just an OPTION.. The 3.5mm jack instead is ESSENTIAL.. No 3.5mm jack equals to NO BUY!
Anonymous, 02 Sep 2018Right now im listening to Kawaii metal music on my Apple Watch paired to some mid-end wireless... more "WHY would i, a sensible thinking human being, want to scream "this is horrible, i want a big fat phone and a big fat wire going from it to my ears, and it HAS to be connected by a 3.5mm plus, no other plug will do!".".
To answer your question, 3.5mm jack sounds way better than Bluetooth / Wireless solutions, is convenient, practical and logical. No sensible human being cares about the thickness by the way. Even for Android users.
Anonymous, 02 Sep 2018Also, i think you could learn how to speak without getting angry if you switch to iphone, when... moreIsn't what a phone is supposed to be in the first place?! Having the jack and microsd slot as STANDARD. Even when microsd slot will be replaced by ufs card slot, the ufs card slot itself is hybrid and supports microsd as well. This is NOT THE SAME for a 3.5mm jack. There is no hybrid solution at all which is the problem! If 3.5mm jack gets replaced with a hybrid jack one day, your 3.5mm headphones will still get plugged in easily! We Android Truthers will accept if a hybrid solution is able to connect to 3.5mm headphones or new headphone connectors.
Anonymous, 02 Sep 2018Can you get to the part where apple tried to stop you from buying a phone with a 3.5 jack? It ... moreI have just stated that removing jack is a part of Apple's business strategy to earn more money out of airpod sales, not to incorporate new tech inside. The moment Apple removed jack, you people proclaimed wireless as future, as if it was born on the night iPhone 7 was announced. Which, one of apple fanboys, isnt accepting. Next Apple may ditch lightning connector and force you to buy a wireless charger instead, because they won't be giving you any included in box. And again we will hear wireless charging is the future, wired charging is soooo slow. They are doing a business here and they are looking at ways to expand their money earning capabilities through their accessories, and they have really big, committed fanboys to trumpet their ideology. I have the freedom to buy anything i want, which i did, and few iPhones are also there.
Anonymous, 31 Aug 2018Linux is a kernel, not an operating system.Linux is an operating system, and its core is, not a big surprise there, the Linux kernel. However Linux is not a distribution, Linux distributions are called GNU/Linux but its very common to refer to them as Linux, youre not the only one to be confused by it.
Regular computer users of today dont know that an operating system can be just a command line but thats in fact the most common interface of GNU/Linux even today, called an unix shell, since Linux computers are most often servers they have no need for a GUI like the desktop distros have. Apache for example, personally i wouldnt even know how to administer if from a GUI, its so easy and convenient to do it over a remote unix shell.
For the record, The unix shell is not part of the kernel. Again, the kernel is not the operating system.
FinnishInquisition, 02 Sep 2018There have been a lot of people as cocky as you when it comes to their ability to tell FLAC ap... moreTotally true. The blind tests has silenced some of the most respected audiophiles in the world, and they admit that they get the best equipment money can buy only because they want it, they find great the satisfaction in knowing that in theory its better. People who "dont need to take the test" are just afraid of the truth, of course he know he cant hear the difference, he is just afraid to have it confirmed, living in denial can be a blast, denial is after all the brains self defence mechanism, its an illusion of greatness that makes even the most pathetic person a king in his own eyes.
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