The Moto G53 was launched in China in December with a Snapdragon 480+ chipset and two cameras. Today we spotted the device in a packaging that’s clearly designated for overseas markets, revealing the new midranger is likely to go global soon.
The G53 appeared in live photos with model number XT2335-2 with a Blue back and 4/128 GB memory. Apparently, this exact version is designated to the European market with dual-SIM capabilities and an eSIM slot, which might be a first for a Motorola G smartphone.
We expect the smartphone to be identical to the Chinese version with its 50MP main camera and 5,000mAh battery with just 10W charging. Other specs include a 6.5” LCD with 720p resolution and 120Hz refresh rate, a fingerprint scanner embedded in the power key, and USB-C.
There are several questions about features of the Chinese version and whether they will make it to the global one - is there going to be NFC, is 4/128 GB the only memory option, and will we see Android 13 out of the box? The biggest one, of course, is the price.
Motorola is selling the 8/128 GB version for CNY1,099, which is about €150.
I think motorola wants to make us fool by their bust downgrade their phones compare to privious phone like its really g53 upgraded over g52 ??? Its like 😡😡😡 what's going on with motorola team they ve loos their mind or they ve suffering from any...
Exactly....Why even mess with 10 W charging?... It's ridiculous... Motorola should drop that level of phone
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