Honor just introduced its latest midranger in India, as promised. The Honor 8C comes with Snapdragon 632 chipset and 4,000 mAh battery and can be pre-ordered on Amazon and Honor’s online store, with shipments and store launch scheduled for December 10.
The Honor 8C has a 6.26” HD+ screen with a notch and a tall 19:9 ratio. There is a dual camera on the back that has a 13 MP main module and a 2 MP depth sensor, and it can recognize over 500 scenes in 22 categories.
The 4 GB RAM + 32 GB version costs INR11,999, while the variant with double the storage is INR12,999. Only two of the three initially introduced colors are available to Indian customers - Aurora Blue and Midnight Black.
I think the same... They should have stopped selling those Kirin 659 phones and prices this 1k lower... Honor has to learn to price their phones right...
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