As per the latest leaks, Samsung will launch only one Galaxy Z Fold6 variant at its upcoming Unpacked event in July. A new teaser from Ice Universe shows the Fold6's cover display sporting some substantial bezels around the corners. The cover screen on the Z Fold6 is expected to come in at 6.3 inches and its most notable change will be the rumored 22:9 aspect ratio.
The wider cover screen should be easier to type on and less cumbersome than the tall and narrow ones on the previous generation Folds. Z Fold6 is expected to arrive with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset, a smaller crease on its main display thanks to the thicker ultra-thin glass (UTG) and the same cameras as the Z Fold5 – 50MP main (ISOCELL GN3), 10MP 3x telephoto and 12MP ultrawide.
Z Fold6 Slim or Ultra (naming is TBD) will allegedly launch in early 2025 with the Galaxy S25 series and will offer a 200MP ISOCELL HP2 main cam and even more impressive specs.
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Nahh, I have a 12 Pro, which I uses as my backup phone, because iOS doesn't really fits my need, but I still need it sometimes. It's the last Pro model with 60Hz only screen. Is the animation smooth? Yes. Is the animation smoother than my $...
Since flip and fold phones arent my forte because of laughable dirability especially on main screen i cant judge. But i never like fold and flip by Samsung anyway. Chinese companies for 2/3 price output a lot better specced devices with much mo...
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