LG has launched a new smartphone, dubbed X2. It's an entry-level smartphone that's powered by a Snapdragon SoC with quad-core 1.3GHz processor, and sports a 5-inch HD display. The device comes with 2GB of RAM and 16GB of storage.
There's an 8MP camera on the back, and a 5MP shooter on the front. Measuring 144.8x71.9x8.2mm and weighing in at 152g, the phone runs runs Android 7.1.2 Nougat and packs in a 2,500mAh battery.
On the software side, there are features like 'Auto Shot', which recognizes faces automatically when you take a self-portrait, and 'Quick Share', which lets you to share pictures instantly.
The LG X2 has been launched in Korea, where it carries a price tag of KRW 198,000 ($175). It's carried by SK Telink, KTM Mobile, CJ HelloVision, and U-Mobi.
Well i woild like to drive her around the world on my horse :-) Shes that cute. Compared to the phone is like a beauty and the beast. Only problem is this beast is on retirement and older than a Tom Hanks in a Green Mile movie at last scene (...
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