The tenth generation iPad launched back in October with a redesigned look and specs that closely resemble the fourth gen iPad Air from 2020. The new baseline iPad was subjected to a teardown by iFixit which revealed some interesting bits like why it lacks support for the second-gen Apple Pencil and the degree of difficulty for repairs.
Removing the non-laminated 10.9-inch Liquid Retina IPS LCD reveals a nearly identical internal layout to the 2020 iPad Air. The major difference is that the new iPad 2022 brings a horizontally placed selfie camera – the first on any iPad and this decision leaves no space for the magnets used on other iPads to help attach the Apple Pencil 2.
The teardown also shows the Logic Board is glued to the chassis while the USB-C ribbon cable is welded which makes it extremely difficult for repairs. Check out the full video below.
You mean Android 12 and above? Yeah, I agree, but Android 11 and below are not meant for kids
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