We’ve seen countless rumors about Apple’s upcoming iPad Pro refresh believed to be happening in April. So far the most prominently teased addition is the switch to mini LED displays but we’ve also heard rumors about a new chipset said to feature performance similar to that of Apple’s M1 found in the latest MacBook laptops and Mac mini desktop.
These chipset rumors have now gained substance as 9to5Mac reports about a new A14X chip which was discovered in the fifth iOS 14.5 beta. The SoC’s GPU is mentioned as 13G in the beta which follows Apple’s usual chip codename scheme. In addition, the beta deep-dive revealed the codenames for four new iPad models: J517, J518, J522 and J523.
Apart from the rumored iPad Pro refresh, there are also speculations about a new iPad Mini with a modernized design. There’s also mention of the Pro models getting a Thunderbolt connector for speedy connectivity with peripherals like monitors and hard drives but we’ll just have to wait for more confirmation.
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